Rosmini Studies 2023-12-13T00:19:55+00:00 Fabrizio Meroi Open Journal Systems <p>Rivista internazionale online ad accesso aperto promossa dal Centro di Studi e Ricerche "Antonio Rosmini" dell'Università di Trento. Ospita contributi su Antonio Rosmini e i filosofi a lui contemporanei, sulla storia del rosminianesimo e su tematiche rosminiane riprese nel dibattito filosofico odierno. Visita il sito del Centro Studi <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">cliccando qui</a>.</p> Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:31:51+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il problema metafisico nello sviluppo del pensiero rosminiano 2023-11-02T14:32:26+00:00 Italo Mancini <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:30:30+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies In ascolto dell'infinito 2023-05-18T07:49:48+00:00 Nicola Ricci <p>This contribution presents the volume <em>Vivere in filosofia. Scritti in ricordo di Maurizio Malaguti</em>, whose authors analyze and discuss the thought of Maurizio Malaguti (1942-2018), professor of Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophical Hermeneutics at the University of Bologna (Italy).</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:29:51+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies La comprensione strutturale dell'educazione: oltre la fenomenologia 2023-05-18T07:40:32+00:00 Alberto Anelli <p>It is undeniable that, in Rombach’s thought, the phenomenon of education plays a major role. The premises of his reflection can be traced back to the structural ontology and structural anthropology he elaborated in his theoretical path. In his philosophical-educational proposal, Rombach engages in an articulated and complex confrontation with the phenomenology of the Freiburg school - which this article aims to investigate and critically deepen.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Elementi per una contestualizzazione della filosofia della religione di Juan Carlos Scannone 2023-06-16T05:45:30+00:00 Gabriele Palasciano <p>The proposal advanced by Juan Carlos Scannone for a philosophy of religion develops in a precise historical-geographical, intellectual and cultural framework, between the second half of the 20th century and the first twenty years of the 21st century. Since 1970, Latin America has been implementing theoretical proposals centered on the historical-political conditions, on the dynamics of liberation from oppression and injustices, on the valorization of popular wisdom and on philosophical inculturation. Starting from a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, Scannone elaborates a philosophy of religion that is connected to his proposal of liberation; he is able to rethink the religious fact, God, and the categories of theology in a lively dialogue between Western thought and Latin American thought. Based on a reflection on God that moves from the victims, the Argentine philosopher exposes the current situation of the philosoophical activity and of a particular kind of rationality. The article explores some useful aspects for the understanding of Scannone's philosophy of religion; with this goal, it includes a critical review of the most recent specialist literature on the topic.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:29:16+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Auf dem Weg zu einer metadisziplinären Ästhetik 2023-06-06T09:02:07+00:00 Michael Heinrich <p style="font-weight: 400;">Sensory perception, its interpretation and emotional evaluation are the most important epistemic access to a presumably otherwise unknowable world outside our brain. Our aesthetic experience also shapes the inner realities through which we model the world, often going far beyond it or imprinting on it the pattern of our representations. Our aesthetic environment largely determines the quality with which we can shape our lives and whether our short, medium or long-term feelings promote or hinder our well-being, our health and our performance. A human-oriented design of our environment is just as much an ethical as it is a social and economic responsibility. However, an understanding of the human-environment ecology within designed human living environments requires an inter- and meta-disciplinary engagement with the psychological, biological and social constitution of humans, an engagement which is still very rudimentary in the field of design and architectural education. Even in the academic world, disciplines pivoting on aesthetics have difficulties with interdisciplinary collaboration, since the anthropological premises and paradigms, as well as the traditional systems of concepts and categories, are by no means congruent, if not sometimes even contradictory. New meta-disciplinary synthetic models are currently attempting to create a logically closed conceptual framework of aesthetic experience and to apply it specifically in design and architecture education.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Embodiment and Private Languages: the Proper Task of an Articulate Architecture 2023-05-25T07:44:43+00:00 Nicholas Ray <p>This paper examines what is entailed for architects who seek to create a “homely” environment. That may have been architects’ aim in domestic design for many years, but more recently critics have referred to the work of perception psychologists and claimed that neuro-aesthetics could provide a scientific justification for those earlier intuitions, such as we find in the work and writings of the Arts and Crafts architect M. H. Baillie Scott. He maintained that people “see” certain kinds of space as cosy and that the task of the architect is to respond to that. I suggest a connection to the later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, who noted that when we say “I see what you mean”, we agree to play a “language game” – in which the conventions are understood so they cannot be private. Architects have often described how buildings convey meanings with a linguistic analogy and, in exercising their art, style can also be understood as a kind of game, as the work of Baillie Scott’s more famous contemporary Edwin Lutyens illustrates. The game of style, however, as association and formal manipulation, is a reductive understanding of the process of design, which is more to do with “play” in a deeper psychological sense. What kind of game an architect chooses to play is at root, an ethical decision. Wittgenstein, himself the architect of two houses, had a scrupulous sense of what could be truthfully ‘said’, believing the deepest truths could only be ‘shown’. Eventually architects’ work shows where they stand.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:28:44+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies «Un’unità spirituale ed interiore». 2023-05-08T16:30:45+00:00 Guido Ghia <p>In 1934 Piero Martinetti publishes the book <em>Gesù Cristo e il cristianesimo</em>, the key text of his philosophical Christology. In this essay, Jesus of Nazareth is seen as a moral ideal that accesses truth through direct intellectual intuition. For Martinetti, following this moral ideal the human being finds within himself a spiritual unity, a transcendental religious element capable of overcoming both the theological-mystical vision of the Logos of the Gospel of John and the ecclesiastical degeneration of the magisterium of Jesus brought about by the Pauline letters.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il presupposto trascendente del pensiero 2023-06-07T08:36:26+00:00 Andrea Pontalto <p>The paper discusses the different meanings of the notion of ‘transcendence’ in Piero Martinetti's main metaphysical works, focusing on the chief distinction between epistemological and ontological transcendence. In particular, the epistemological status of the ontological transcendence as a necessary prerequisite of thought is explored. Finally, the article analyzes Martinetti’s interpretation of the traditional proofs of the existence of God, assumed as expressions of this necessary prequisite - thus showing the influence that John Caird’s <em>An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion</em> had on Martinetti.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies 1903: teoria della conoscenza e metafisica, Martinetti legge Cornelius 2023-05-24T07:05:40+00:00 Luca Natali <p>The article focuses on Martinetti’s reception of Hans Cornelius’s work <em>Einleitung in die Philosophie</em>. The early reading of the book, published in 1903 and immediately studied by Martinetti, shows that it was functional to the development of some specific theoretical themes in Martinetti's thought. A brief reconstruction of the reception of Cornelius’s early works in the European philosophical milieu is also provided.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Trascendenza del pensiero, impersonalità della coscienza. Hegel, Th. H. Green e la critica di A. Seth Pringle-Pattison 2023-05-24T07:05:11+00:00 Antonio Lombardi <p>Starting from an indication by Deleuze, according to which even transcendental philosophy would not arrive to an adequate concept of immanence, the paper tests this assumption by studying the way in which, in the history of idealism, thought was understood as “transcendent” with respect to individual thinking selves. This feature emerges with particular clarity in the path that goes from Hegel to the founder of British Idealism Thomas Hill Green – whose theory of eternal consciousness was criticized by another idealist philosopher, Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, as a modern form of Averroism.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies 'Natura' e 'sentimento': l'itinerario idealistico di Giovanni Gentile 2023-05-16T20:47:15+00:00 Marco Calzavara <p>In this contribution, an attempt is made to briefly illustrate some salient points of Gentile's speculative itinerary, indicating the reasons, circumstances and criticalities of the theoretical passage from the concept of 'nature' to that of 'sentiment'. Proposing the two concepts as expressions of the same need, an attempt is made to show how they stand, in Gentile philosophy, at the heart of the problem of 'idealism' and 'transcendence'.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Fra immanenza e trascendenza: una contraddizione? 2023-06-12T19:03:34+00:00 Giulio Cavalli <p>In <em>Appearance and Reality</em> (1893), F. H. Bradley held that reality is both immanent to thought (as a known object) and transcendent to it (as non-relational in structure). This cohabitation of intellectualism and anti-intellectualism in his metaphysics was relevantly attacked by J. Dewey (1907) as being self-contradictory. The goal of my essay is to defend Bradley against this charge by elucidating the structure of the thought-reality relationship and the proper status of contradiction.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Trascendere l’esperienza nell’orbita del pensiero. Attualità dell’idealismo essenziale di Gustavo Bontadini 2023-05-24T07:06:06+00:00 Paolo Pagani <p>Gustavo Bontadini (1903-1990) interpreted idealism as the fulfillment of modern philosophy. Idealism, understood in an "essential" and not "rhetorical" sense, is the thesis according to which thought is the manifestation of being. Experience is the immediate realization of thought. If we consider experience in a strictly phenomenological sense, it becomes the starting point of an inference that leads thought to recognize a transcendent reality, which turns out to be freely creative of the experience itself.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:28:11+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Le Le vicende della fondazione rosminiana di Trento. Peter Rigler ed Antonio Rosmini 2023-07-04T17:27:05+00:00 Andrea Vitali <p>The article aims to reconstruct the stories, characters and places that characterized the foundation of a Rosminian community in Trento, focusing especially on the particular relationship between Rosmini himself and his South Tyrolean confrere Father Peter Rigler. In the period between 1830 and 1835, in fact, in Trento the two Tyrolean priests had the opportunity to enter into an exciting spiritual, formative, and human fellowship that marked their lives and works and the history of the Church in Trentino in the first half of the nineteenth century, especially in relation to Habsburg State authorities.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:27:34+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il miracolo nell’ebraismo tra fede e sospetto. Un approccio ermeneutico 2023-06-12T19:06:34+00:00 Massimo Giuliani <p>The essay is a short survey on the concept of miracle in the light of the history of Jewish religious thought. First the focus is on the ‘neutralization of the miracle’ in the Talmud by those rabbis who tried to emphasize the role of reason and logical arguments in order to decide about halakhic issues (the example is taken from Bavli, Bava Meitzi’à 59b). A second step is the medieval, minimalistic approach as expressed by Maimonides in his halakhic code, where miracle is seen as a sign recognized by faith but also by a strong acceptance of nature as regulated by eternal and perfect laws, posed by a perfect God not in need to change them: miracles are, therefore, only contingent exception preordered by God since the beginning of creation. None the less, the issue of miracle was debated in the rabbinical culture for century, until the outburst of modernity and more. The final step is Franz Rosenzweig’s existentialist rehabilitation of the concept of miracle after a devaluation by modern Jewish (and Protestant) theologians in the shadow of the Enlightenment.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Pascal: il "miracolo" e i "miracoli" 2023-07-03T07:17:14+00:00 Silvano Zucal <p>Even if critics have rarely paid due attention to it, the theme of the miracle is particularly present in Blaise Pascal’s thought. This paper aims to render Pascal’s entire discussion of the miracle issue, considering his whole production and not only fundamental works such as <em>Pensées</em> [<em>Thoughts</em>] or <em>Lettres provinciales</em> [<em>The provincial letters</em>]. This approach highlights a very rich and articulated theory, which exceeds the apologetic logic alone. As the experimental thinker he was, Pascal started from a concrete miracle-event (the miracle of the Holy Thorn), of which he was a direct witness and of which he sought confirmation. His entire analysis of the miracle as an object of faith is based on this, a faith that however, in this singular way, offers the ‘proofs’ of itself. Believers will not believe thanks to miracles; however, miracles speak to that ‘reason of the heart’ which feels, intuits, grasps, and sees what is usually not visible.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Sul miracolo come violazione delle leggi di natura 2023-06-16T05:46:54+00:00 Andrea Aguti <p>Since Hume’s essay Of Miracles, the definition of the miracle as a ‘violation of the laws of nature’ has been widespread in the modern philosophy of religion. Such as definition seems, prima facie, coherent with a theistic conception of miracles and, from a particular point of view, a product of the latter. Still, it was used by both Spinoza and Hume to deny the possibility and credibility of miracles. Therefore, in the contemporary discussion, most theists have abandoned it, despite its revival by some authors such as Richard Swinburne. In this article, I consider some attempts to circumvent the definition of the miracle as a ‘violation of the laws of nature’ (especially Clive S. Lewis and Robert Larmer’s attempts), claiming that they don’t fully succeed. In the wake of Thomas Aquinas, I argue that this definition of the miracle, though not to be considered exclusive, has the advantage of preserving a realistic notion of a miracle and its apologetic function in theism.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Alexandre Claude François Houtteville (Abbé Houtteville): i miracoli sono fatti che attestano la verità del cristianesimo 2023-07-04T17:17:04+00:00 Claudio Tugnoli <p>Against Spinoza, who claims to demonstrate the impossibility of miracles strictly understood, Abbé Houtteville (author of <em>La religion chrétienne prouvée par les faits</em>) maintains that it is, instead, possible to adduce an invincible proof, which demonstrates the possibility of miracles. The contrast between the abbot and Spinoza pivots on the very concept of creation. Abbé Houtteville specifies that, in his opinion, the invariability of the universal laws consists only in the fact that they always determine the same effects through the same order of causes. The abbot denies that their invariability excludes any suspension of the laws themselves. But let's admit, writes Houtteville, that Spinoza's claim is true, and that it is therefore impossible for the laws of the universe to be interrupted or broken. Miracles could then be conceived as events connected to the action of general laws completely unknown to any limited spirit, both in themselves, both in terms of their number, and with regard to the infinite diversity of their mutual combinations. Miracles are indubitable facts, which alone can represent valid arguments that demonstrate the truth of the Christian religion, and make philosophical reasoning appear to be inconsistent sophisms.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il miracolo nel pensiero di Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: salto mortale, percezione e libertà 2023-05-16T20:44:36+00:00 Gloria Dell'Eva <p>In my article, I analyse the topic of the miracle in the philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819). In <em>Concerning the Doctrine of Spinoza in Letters to Herr Moses Mendelssohn</em> (<em>Spinoza Letters</em> - 1785), Jacobi used the metaphor of the somersault (salto mortale) to represent faith. In my article, I start with the question of whether this movement, due to its acrobatic difficulty, can be interpreted as something miraculous or as something that arouses wonder. Furthermore, I show the meaning of each stage of the somersault in the Spinoza Letters. Finally, I analyse the expressions “miracle of perception” (in <em>Jacobi to Fichte</em> - 1799) and “miracle of freedom” (in the <em>Introduction to the Author’s Collected Philosophical Works</em> - 1815), which Jacobi explicitly combines with the somersaultortale.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies La «diceria che la religione offenderebbe la totalità dei giudizi della scienza naturale»: «senso dell’infinito» e miracolo in Schleiermacher 2023-05-16T20:38:01+00:00 Omar Brino <p>The article proposes an analysis of Schleiermach's discussion of the question of miracles, a discussion which lasted for more than thirty years - from the first edition of <em>On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers</em> in 1799 to the last edition of the <em>Glaubenslehre</em> in 1830/31. This discussion places itself on the one hand at the conclusion of the long process of hermeneutic accommodation of religious contents with respect to post-Copernican science and, on the other hand, at the beginning of a further season of religionistic research: the problem of the miracle either as accommodation, or as a contrast between science and religion is, in fact, transcended towards a properly religious understanding of it.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:26:56+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il diritto di circolazione delle persone da Kant a Rosmini 2023-05-30T06:57:24+00:00 Markus Krienke <p>The modern evolution of the subjects' rights and the formation of the international law is highlighted, in an emblematic way, around the figure of the migrant and the challenge that the latter poses to constitutional law. Kant, Fichte and Rosmini offer three different perspectives on how to understand human dignity in a philosophical way and on how to translate it juridically into law, thus anticipating (in different ways) specific issues of the current debate. With Kant, Rosmini shares the cosmopolitan dimension of law, while, with Fichte, he recognizes the need for foundation.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Justicia para ciudadanos y extranjeros 2023-04-13T07:47:56+00:00 Lucia Bissoli <p>Considering Rosmini’s political works in comparison with his metaphysical and anthropological essays, and starting from Rosmini's project of a code of law that, in the author’s opinion, can guarantee the fundamental human rights, this article discusses the concept of justice between citizens and outsiders. Its first part is an analysis of Rosmini’s juridical fundaments, which takes into account also some objections historically moved against it. Its second part examines some specific cases of conflicts between outsiders and the members of civil society, as considered by the Roveretan philosopher.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Virtualità assoluta. Sul binomio ‘virtualità' e 'creazione’ a partire dalla Teosofia di Antonio Rosmini 2023-09-22T08:11:34+00:00 Federica Biscardi <p>This paper addresses the main senses of ‘virtuality’ in Rosmini’s <em>Theosophy </em>and their metaphysical implications. The notion is, indeed, implied in the broader frame of the relationship between the unity of being and the multiplicity of finite entities. The articles investigates the entanglement between ‘virtuality’ and God’s creation in order to understand in what sense, on the ridge between tradition and modernity, Rosmini can elaborate senses of ‘virtuality’ that pertain not only to entities, but also to being and to God himself. In the conclusion, a dialogue with contemporary philosophy will be attempted to track down further senses and roles of ‘virtuality’, always intertwined with creation.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Il mistero del sorriso neonatale: interpretazioni pedagogiche, filosofiche e psicologiche 2023-04-25T08:42:22+00:00 Martina Galvani Paolo Bonafede <p>This paper discusses the topic of smile moving from the analysis proposed by Antonio Rosmini in his unfinished work <em>Del principio supremo della Metodica e di alcune sue applicazioni in servigio dell’umana educazione</em> (composed between 1839 and 1840 ). Starting from Rosmini's pages, the paper explores some fruitful comparisons with other pedagogical-philosophical and psychological reflections, touching on disciplines such as ethology and biology (for instance, on the problem of ontogenesis).</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Introduzione 2023-11-02T14:25:38+00:00 La Redazione <p>--</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Universalismo rosminiano e globalizzazione contemporanea 2023-11-02T14:26:07+00:00 Agostino Giovagnoli <p>The <em>Lectio</em> offers an original interpretation of Rosmini’s <em>Panegirico di Pio VII</em> [<em>Panegyric for Pius VII</em>] (1823) and <em>Of the Five Wounds of the Holy Church</em> (1848) in the light of the relationship between nationality and universality.</p> 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies I filosofi e il miracolo 2023-11-02T14:22:21+00:00 La Redazione 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies The Philosopher and the Miracle 2023-11-02T14:23:21+00:00 La Redazione 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Die Philosophen und das Wunder 2023-11-02T14:23:50+00:00 La Redazione 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Les philosophes et le miracle 2023-11-02T14:24:44+00:00 La Redazione 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies Los filósofos y el milagro 2023-11-02T14:24:17+00:00 La Redazione 2023-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosmini Studies