Santi Romano ed il saggio modenese “Sulla natura dei regolamenti delle Camere parlamentari”: alcune chiavi di lettura
Parole chiave:
Parliamentary Rules of Procedures, Parliament, Source of law, Constitutional interpretation, Santi RomanoAbstract
The work analyzes the essay of Santi Romano published in Modena in 1906 concerning “The nature of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedures”. The essay of Romano – a landmark in the Italian Parliamentary studies – is divided in two parts. In the first part, Romano has denied the legal nature of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedures (paragraphs 1-33). In the second part, he pointed out the impact of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedures on the interpretation and informal evolution of Constitutional law (paragraphs 34-38). The work aims to highlight the close connections between these two theses.

Come citare
Ibrido, R. (2023). Santi Romano ed il saggio modenese “Sulla natura dei regolamenti delle Camere parlamentari”: alcune chiavi di lettura. Antologia Di Diritto Pubblico, (1), 77–101. Recuperato da
Parte II – Letture e interpretazioni

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