No. 8 (2019): "Yet who is the Genius?" Women's Art and Criticism in Postwar Italy

Edited by Silvia Bottinelli and Giorgia Gastaldon

Edited by Silvia Bottinelli and Giorgia Gastaldon


2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Manifesto di Rivolta Femminile (Manifesto of Feminine Revolt), written by Carla Lonzi, Elvira Banotti and Carla Accardi in July 1970. It is based on this premise that Palinsesti decided to dedicate a double issue to women’s art and criticism in postwar Italy. The title “Ma il genio chi è?” (“Yet Who is the Genius?”) is borrowed from a homonymous 1970s article by artist Cloti Ricciardi, showing parallelisms with the writings of American art historian Linda Nochlin

Published: 2020-12-17