The Epistemic Roles of Automata from Cybernetics to Contemporary Robotics


  • Edoardo Datteri RobotiCSS Lab, Laboratorio di Robotica per le Scienze Cognitive e Sociali, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione "R. Massa", Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


Parole chiave:

automata, cybernetics, biorobotics, robotic models of biological behaviours, simulations, automi, cibernetica, biorobotica, modelli robotici di comportamenti biologici, simulazioni


Automata, or robots, have often played a crucial role in the reflection on, and discovery of, the mechanisms underlying the behaviour of living systems. During the first decades of the XX century, automata were invoked to support mechanistic theories about animal behaviour. More recently, robotic models of living systems have been used for predictive and explanatory purposes. This article explores these epistemic uses of robots with historical and contemporary examples.

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