Veni lumen cordis. La philosophia cordis rosminiana ed i trapianti di cuore
Rosmini's philosophia cordis and heart transplants
DOI: chiave:
Antonio Rosmini, Trapianto di cuore, philosophia cordis, ontologia, spiritualità, coscienza, neurocardiologia, teologia, identità, spirito, sintesi, cuore, animaAbstract
This article explores the convergence between Rosminian philosophy and “post-transplant phenomena”, episodes in which recipient patients seem to display post-transplant memories, emotions and behavioral traits that could be traced back to those of the donor. The research contributes to a new view of the heart and identity in Rosminian ontology, investigating through the “doctrine of the three forms of being” the true “synthesis” function of the central organ as a meeting point between matter and spirit, finite and infinite, and donor and recipient.
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