Ad mentem Enrici: la recezione seicentesca della dimostrazione dell’esistenza di Dio di Enrico di Gand
seventeenth-century reception of Henry of Ghent's demonstration of the existence of God
DOI: chiave:
Henry of Ghent, Suárez, Scholasticism, Existence of God, A priori proofAbstract
This article studies the reception by seventeenth-century Scholasticism of Henry of Ghent’s reflection on the existence of God. It analyses authors who explicitly declare themselves to be followers of Henry. This attests the existence of a seventeenth-century Henrician Scholasticism. The history of the reception of Henry’s reflection by this Henrician Scholasticism is, however, also the history of a non-reception of the a priori proof of God’s existence formulated by Henry himself.
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