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Alcuni cenni su Rosmini critico di Hegel
https://doi.org/10.15168/2385-216X/3025Parole chiave:
Dialettica, Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Idealismo, Follia, Rosmini, AntonioAbstract
The article aims to outline some of the fundamental junctures of the close polemical confrontation Antonio Rosmini engaged in with Hegel’s philosophy; more specifically, the paper will deal with the peculiar categories used by Rosmini to polemically describe idealism, such as “madness”, “dream”, “imagination”, “fantasy”, “enchantment”, “delirium” and “absurdity”. Thus, new light will be shed on a relevant, but often neglected chapter in the history of the Italian, but also European, anti-Hegelism.
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