About the Journal

The Trento Student Law Review (ISSN 2612-4874) is an international, open access, online-only law journal, entirely student-run and student-edited. It was founded in 2017 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.

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Call for Editors 2024-2025


The Trento Student Law Review actively seeks applications for the positions of Associate editor, Visiting editor and Collaborator in its editorial team. The editorial team will continue the tradition of promoting rigorous standards in publishing and attracting top quality research.

The Trento Student Law Review will evaluate candidacies based on merit. If you are interested in joining the Trento Student Law Review, please fill out the form at this link: we’ll get in touch!

The deadline for applications is 23rd February 2025 (23:59 CET).

Download the full document here.

Read more about Call for Editors 2024-2025

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)
View All Issues

Why a new law review? Was it necessary?
Why a student-run law review? Was it necessary?

Rodolfo Sacco
Emeritus Professor of the University of Turin

Well, this new law review fills a gap. Those who carefully follow what is happening in the Italian university environment, those who have understood and understand what has happened and what is happening in the Trento Law Faculty, those who are sensitive to the symptoms and indices of new needs and new vocations in the world of culture find confirmed, in the event that is announced, what the history of the Trentino Faculty, the current reality of the Faculty, the atmosphere that is breathed in that Faculty, make plausible, make possible, make real.

Full article (italian only)...