Publication of Vol. 4 - No. 1


The Board of the Trento Student Law Review is pleased to announce the publication of its Volume 4 Number 1, available in open access on the University OJS platform at our official website.

We wish to dedicate this Volume 4, Number 1 to the memory of Professor Rodolfo Sacco, who, in the face of many sceptics, clearly indicated the potential of a student-run law review. The tribute to Professor Sacco is based first and foremost on his support for our Law Review, publicly declared at the time of its foundation (read his introductory note to volume zero), but also and above all because Professor Sacco's writings represent for all of us students of Unitn Law a fundamental crossroads at the time of our first impact with the study of law.

A warm greeting to the whole academic community from all of our Board!