Diritto pubblico e privato: distingue frequenter


  • Giacinto della Cananea


Hans Kelsen, Public Law, Private Law, Public Administration, Powers


The journal has chosen to present readers with an essay of undeniable significance. First and foremost, this is due to its author, Hans Kelsen, a remarkable thinker of the twentieth century and beyond. The discussion will focus on three key aspects of Kelsen’s reasoning: his critique of the use of the public-private law antithesis, his conception of administration as law execution, and his related theory of administrative acts. Additionally, it will evaluate certain arguments Kelsen does not address, which pertain to the tools administrations utilize to achieve the interests assigned to their oversight.



How to Cite

della Cananea, G. (2024). Diritto pubblico e privato: distingue frequenter. Antologia Di Diritto Pubblico, (2), 23–37. Retrieved from https://teseo.unitn.it/adp/article/view/3230



Part II - Readings and Interpretations