Intersubjectivity in Husserl, Stein, and Rosmini: Community and Society
fenomenologia, antropologia filosofica, rosmini, edith stein, husserl,Abstract
This paper proposes a comparison among Husserl, Stein, and Rosmini about the topic of the genesis of community (in Husserl and Stein) and of society (in Rosmini). For all three thinkers, the recourse to anthropological analysis is fundamental. Through this approach, they investigate the various degrees of human associative forms. The comparison is conducted focusing, in particular, on Rosmini and Stein.
A. Rosmini, Filosofia delle politica
E. Husserl, Phaenomenologie der Intersubjektivitaet II, Husserliana XIV
E Stein, Psicologia e scienze dello spirito. Contributi per una fondazione filosofica, tr. it A.M.Pezzella, Intr. di A.Ales Bello, Città Nuova, Roma 1996
E. Stein, Una ricerca sullo Stato, a cura di A. Ales Bello, Città Nuova 1993