The Uptake of Green Public Procurement in the EU in Light of New Directives, Policies and Expectations: Towards a Modern Holistic Society, or Just an Integrated Economic Governance for the EU?


  • Fabio Cinti University of Bologna


Parole chiave:

EU Law, Green Public Procurement, Holistic Society, Article 11 TFEU, GPP, Integrated Economical Governance


Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the European Union is becoming more and more relevant, with the new directives on public concessions 2014/23/EU, on classic public procurement 2014/24/EU and on Utilities 2014/25/EU the aim is to reach the 50 percent GPP target. The environmental awareness demanding Public Procurement to turn into GPP/SPP opens to a modern holistic society, in which environmental issues come into major relevance. This study collects several data from other researches and Organizations works, with an innovative approach, regarding also Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) to identify problems and related legislative solutions, analyzing best sound procurement performance in the EU with a focus on Nordic good practice and Worldwide situation. The study inquires whether the article 11 TFEU and the new environmental consciousness are just strengthening the current integrated economical governance concept or if, instead, they are moving towards a new concept of modern Holistic Society.




Come citare

Cinti, Fabio. 2020. «The Uptake of Green Public Procurement in the EU in Light of New Directives, Policies and Expectations: Towards a Modern Holistic Society, or Just an Integrated Economic Governance for the EU?». Trento Student Law Review 2 (1). Trento, Italy:11-35.


