Guidelines and Documents


Publication of a volume within the series is subject to the evaluation procedure by the Scientific Committee and/or reviewers selected according to specific expertise. The reasoned positive evaluation gives the possibility to publish the proposal in one of the four sections provided: ‘Proceedings’, ‘Catalogues’, ‘Research’ and ‘Tools’.

To submit a proposal for publication it is necessary to follow the procedure available at “How to submit” page.

- Submission of a preliminary descriptive form (pdf format) containing title and eventual subtitle, name of authors or editors, expected number of pages and images, abstract of the manuscript or annotated index (5,000-10,000 characters) or full text draft.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of the preliminary proposal; in case of acceptance, the editorial office communicates general conditions of publication regarding economic evaluation, time estimate and the final submission modalities.

- Submission of complete materials in accordance with XYdigitale editorial standards: text including table of contents, notes, captions, and references, in the chosen language by the author or editor (format .doc, .odt), abstract in English equal to 5-10% (format .doc, .odt), images (format .jpg, min. 300 dpi, on 15 cm width).

- For each author or editor, submission of own biography in the chosen language and in English (1,000 + 1,000 characters including spaces), passport photo, and completed and signed consent to publish.

Publication costs are subject to direct agreement with XYdigitale Editorial Team on request. They may include digital edition printing.

Each notebook has an online ISBN and DOI. It is published on the XYdigitale website and in the OJS platform of the Università degli Studi di Trento publisher.



Editorial standards - XY_EditorialStandards.pdf

Disclaimer for publication - XY_DisclaimerForPublication_Eng.pdf