Rosmini e la filosofia italiana del Novecento
Il contributo di "Rosmini Studies"
The articles of the first decade of “Rosmini Studies” address the twentieth-century reception of Rosmini in a plural way, in the belief that the texts of the (more or less recent) philosophical history, including Rosmini and his reception, should not remain a banner or a laughing stock for this or that party, but a heritage to be discussed critically by everyone. Consequently, from the theoretical side, it is precisely by crossing different points of view that, in these articles, some aspects emerge which, beyond the basic choices on which they were evaluated, represent transversal contents of Rosmini’s thought. An example of this is the reiterated centrality of the infinite being – i.e., of a being in relation to which the interiority of each finite finds its own most significant place, in a perspective that is both cognitive and moral, and, in a not secondary sense, is “charitable” towards all other finites (with such charitable sense of each finite towards other finites being founded and oriented in the charitable being of the infinite itself).
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