Máscaras del desamor: nota a Palais de Justice


  • Stefano Pradel Università degli studi di Trento


This brief note aims to point out the relationship between subject and eroticism in Palais de Justice by José Ángel Valente (2014). Despite the closeness to the biographical fact, Valente does not renounce to explore the possibilities offered by the poetic word, which here faces a different and unexpected proof of its coherence. The subject questions his own identity while observing his own radical dissolution, at the same time as it tries to recover its own autonomy from to the other.



How to Cite

Pradel, S. (2020). Máscaras del desamor: nota a Palais de Justice. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (12), 107–117. Retrieved from https://teseo.unitn.it/ticontre/article/view/1144



S.monogr. “El sueño de la nada” (a Valente en los noventa años de su nacimiento)