Ecologie precarie. Per una lettura eco-critica di uomini, boschi e api


  • Paolo Saporito McGill University

Palabras clave:

Precarietà, Lavoro, Eco-critica, Mario Rigoni Stern


ENGLISH: In recent studies concerning labour literature, the “precarious” form of the short story has been arguably considered as the most suitable for the representation of precarious work conditions. This contribution develops these studies in eco-critical directions by examining the collection Uomini, boschi e api (1980) by Mario Rigoni Stern. The collection, published at the end of the decade wherein the first environmental debates emerged, focuses on the precarious ecologies in which the human and nonhuman entities living in the mountain ecosystem of the Asiago region are constantly embedded. Exploring this microcosm, which industrial and touristic development put at risk, Rigoni Stern urges readers to re-think the ethical grounds of human-non-human relationships, toward the sustainable horizon of a circular economy.



Cómo citar

Saporito, P. (2021). Ecologie precarie. Per una lettura eco-critica di uomini, boschi e api. Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione, (15). Recuperado a partir de



Il lavoro nelle raccolte di racconti dagli anni Ottanta a oggi