TESeO - Trento Editions Service for Open science is a platform hosting scientific journals and book collections published by the University of Trento (Italy) according to the principles of Open Access. This service is managed by the Scientific Publications Office.


  • Antologia di Diritto Pubblico

    Antologia di Diritto Pubblico (ADP) (ISSN 2975-2191) is a biannual journal promoted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento and the Department of Economics and Business Studies of the UPO - Università del Piemonte Orientale. The journal offers insight into some relevant topics for the study of public law, also with a critical approach, building on the analysis of some of the classical texts of this discipline.

  • BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto

    Rivista di BioDiritto – BioLaw Journal (ISSN 2284-4503) is a peer-reviewed, online law journal focusing on the relationships between law and life sciences in a comparative perspective. According to its interdisciplinary nature, the Journal hosts contributions in the fields of law, life sciences, bioethics and artificial intelligence.

  • Comparative Law and Language

    Comparative Law and Language (ISSN 2785-7417) is a scientific journal, online and peer-reviewed, which aims to enhance interest and scientific debate on the relationship between law and language, in and within different national and supranational legal systems, from a comparative perspective. The journal is edited by Trento University and publishes two Issues per year.

  • Digiti. Rivista manoscritta

    Digiti. Rivista manoscritta is a half-yearly journal, realized by undergraduates, graduates, PhD students and teachers of the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento, that is the offspring of a teaching project devoted to enhance the potential of communication via hand-writing.

  • Palinsesti - Contemporary Italian Art On-line Journal

    Palinsesti (ISSN 2279-7882) is an academic on-line journal (open access and peer-reviewed) which promotes art-historical studies about Italian Art from 1960 until today. The Journal contains art-historical articles by international authors, encouraging methodological innovation, cross-disciplinary approach and research in new fields.

  • Quaderni del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale (Online)

    The Quaderni del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale (ISSN 2465-0161) are an editorial initiative aimed at timely dissemination to the academic public of research material, theoretical reflections and reports of major study seminars. The series, launched in 1983 in paper format, has been published since 2015 exclusively in electronic format (new Online series).

  • Rosmini Studies

    International, open-access magazine promoted by the Center for Studies and Research "Antonio Rosmini" of the University of Trento. The journal hosts contributes on Antonio Rosmini and his contemporary philosophers, on the history of Rosminianism and Rosminian themes taken up by the current philosophical debate.

  • Trento Student Law Review

    The Trento Student Law Review (ISSN 2612-4874) is an international, open access, online-only law journal, entirely student-run and student-edited. It was founded in 2017 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.

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  • Ticontre. Theory Text Translation

    The scientific journal Ticontre. Theory Text Translation (ISSN 2284-4473) provides a platform for open discussion on the literary text that is not only innovative but also keen to acknowledge core components of the European and American tradition.

  • XY. Studies on the representation of architecture and the use of the image in science and art

    XY. Studies on the representation of architecture and the use of the image in science and art (e-ISSN 2499-8346) is an annual scientific journal which promotes research on the role of figurative expression as a tool for the construction and communication of knowledge.

  • I libri digitali di XY

    I libri digitali di XY (e-ISSN 2975-0067) is a series of books welcoming studies on the representation of architecture and the use of the image in science and art. It flanks the critical review proposed by the journal XY, expanding the thematic and interdisciplinary horizon through monographs, essay collections and miscellanies of high scientific value. It publishes, in open access, the printed volumes of I libri di XY series.

  • I quaderni di XY: obiettivo immagine

    I quaderni di XY: obiettivo immagine (e-ISSN 2974-5608) is a series of notebooks that collects experiences and thoughs on the different roles images assume in the contemporary world. The ‘notebooks’ contain research reports, proceedings of seminars and workshops, exhibition catalogues, qualified teaching materials and more. They are scientific tools for discussion and dynamic growth of ideas, designed for a non-specialist public as well.