La religione 'secondo l'Illuminismo'. Note per un inquadramento del concetto


  • Guido Ghia Università degli Studi di Genova



This essay aims to clarify the idea of ‘religion’ according to the spirit of the Enlightenment. Indeed, the Enlightenment gave prominence not only to reason, but also to the disclosure and iniquity of evil, which it investigated with the aid of the hermeneutical guide provided by critical philosophy. Wilhelm Dilthey, in particular, in his work on the formation of the historical world in the human sciences, emphasized the fact that the Enlightenment intro-duces for the first time a broad scientific vision which fully appreciates the historical na-ture of both religion and art and considers them to be the expression of a transcendental relationship rooted in human nature. However, from this perspective, a reference to Anto-nio Rosmini, a real «poet of philosophy» (G. Moretto) also seems of relevance. Rosmini be-lieved that humans have an innate abstract sense of ‘truth’, which can be inferred from empirical reality: Erlebnis, i.e. the lived experience, thus becomes a regulative principle for moral judgement and also a basis for poetic inspiration and social life.





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