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Storie sepolte

I deserti di Don DeLillo


  • Simone Carati


Deserto, Don DeLillo, Simulacri, Non luoghi


The paper explores the topic of the desert and its different manifestations in Don DeLillo’s work, through a sample of texts published between the Seventies and the first decade of the 21st century. After an introduction aiming at contextualizing the desert in the light of a wider debate about spatial depiction, in the following paraphs the author insists on the pitfalls and mirages of the place, which often becomes the scenery of a ruinous quest for authenticity. A specific attention is paid to the texts, while some important anthropological insights play a key role, allowing a wider consideration on DeLillo’s work. The ability of this writer in interpreting the dynamics of a globalized world will be especially underlined, as well as his capacity for outlining, thanks to the «buried stories» he explores, a feasible alternative to nihilism.


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How to Cite

Carati, S. (2022). Storie sepolte: I deserti di Don DeLillo. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (17). Retrieved from


