Superrealismo (1929), o la scrittura avanguardista secondo Azorin. Qualche proposta traduttiva


  • Renata Londero


traduzione, surrealismo, romanzo-saggio, stile modernista, Azorin


This article starts from the personal relationship that José Martínez Ruiz/Azorín (1873-1967) had with avant-garde movements, in order to analyze the author’s peculiar interpretation of Surrealism in his most experimental novel, Superrealismo. Prenovela (1929), as regards its translation into Italian. Indeed, although Azorín’s text is non-narrative and embryonic and it is marked by ellipsis and free associations of thoughts and sensations, Azorín doesn’t practise any surrealistic authomatic writing or oneirism at all. Below, a series of passages from the preface and the most original chapters of the book are quoted and translated into Italian. In the commentary we underline that our translation aims at respecting the main characteristics of Azorín’s style (brevity, clarity, lexical richness): even though we have trimmed a sometimes excessive repetitiveness, we have tried to maintain not only the use of musical and visual imagery but also the tendency towards novelty and artistic mixture, which are close to the expressiveness of Modernism.


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How to Cite

Londero, R. (2023). Superrealismo (1929), o la scrittura avanguardista secondo Azorin. Qualche proposta traduttiva. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (18). Retrieved from



Sezione monografica: Tradurre i modernismi