Wedekind, Il Risveglio di primavera

Alcuni spunti per una literarische Übersetzungskritik del dramma


  • Paola Del Zoppo


Theatre, Moderne, Übersetzungskritik, rewriting, intertextuality, drama, translation, hermeneutic


Starting from an overview of the discussions on translation for the theatre, and from the lively debate
on whether or not it is appropriate to establish specific boundaries between the theory of translation of
drama and the theory of translation of other artistic genres, the essay analyses the possibility of
addressing the exploration on translations from the point of view of an "equivalence of
interpretability", i.e. examining how much a text, rendered in a language other than the one in which it
is written, can be interpreted - even by any scholars - in a similar way. A "hermeneutic" translation that
avoids normalization and simplification could in fact restore, in a panorama of World Literature,
greater openness to reading and also to theatrical adaptation, reinstating to the text, even in the
language of translation, the necessary Vieldeutigkeit. Analysing in particular five translations of Frühlingserwachen by Frank Wedekind (Prampolini, Filippini, Pocar, Lunari, Bertocchini), starting from the critical-literary collocation of the text and its first reception in Italy, it illuminates the typically literary complexities (in particular intertextuality) and then proceeds to examples of passages in which the Faustian rewriting and the allusion and quotation of Nietzsche's philosophy are particularly
important from a hermeneutic point of view, to dwell on the versions that stay more "open" to


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How to Cite

Del Zoppo, P. (2023). Wedekind, Il Risveglio di primavera: Alcuni spunti per una literarische Übersetzungskritik del dramma. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (18). Retrieved from



Sezione monografica: Tradurre i modernismi