«Dove sono io in quella corrente?» Strategie e forme dell'autorialità in M di Antonio Scurati


  • Andrea Suverato Ricercatore indipendente


Antonio Scurati, M, Romanzo storico, Autore implicito, Onniscienza, Autorialità


This paper offers a stylistic-narratological analysis of Antonio Scurati’s M. Il figlio del secolo (2018). Here, I will contend that there is no gap between the omniscient narrator who tells the rise of Mussolini and the real author of the text. The study will take into account the intrusive commentary made by the narrator, the presence of intertexts referring to other works written by Scurati and the formal architecture of the book, that foreshadows the transmedia extension of the narrative text. The intersection of these formal aspects triggers the reader’s emotive response, which leads to major effects in the reception of the text, especially in the light of the current political and historical context.


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How to Cite

Suverato, A. (2023). «Dove sono io in quella corrente?» Strategie e forme dell’autorialità in M di Antonio Scurati. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (20), 201–215. Retrieved from https://teseo.unitn.it/ticontre/article/view/2605


