Extradire i modernismi di Joyce, ovvero la traduzione quantistica


  • Enrico Terrinoni


traduzione, modernismo, Joyce, quantistica


Bannon has devoted recent episodes of his online show the War Room to a well-funded operation which has stealthily gained ground over the past two years. Backed by billionaire donors and corporate interests, it aims to persuade state legislatures to call a constitutional convention in the hope of baking far-right conservative values into the supreme law of the land.


The goal is, in essence, to turn the country into a permanent conservative nation irrespective of the will of the American people. The convention would promote policies that would limit the size and scope of the federal government, set ceilings on or even abolish taxes, free corporations from regulations, and impose restrictions on government action in areas such as abortion, guns and immigration.



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How to Cite

Terrinoni, E. . (2023). Extradire i modernismi di Joyce, ovvero la traduzione quantistica. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (18). Retrieved from https://teseo.unitn.it/ticontre/article/view/2411



Sezione monografica: Tradurre i modernismi