Gli emotive scripts come strumento filologico

Sui rapporti genetici tra Roman de Horn, King Horn e Horn Childe


  • Pierandrea Gottardi Università di Trento


Emotive script, King Horn, Roman de Horn, Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild


The Roman de Horn, King Horn, and Horn Childe offer three different versions of the same narrative bulk. Still today, the genetic relationship among these versions is unclear. Among them, we find many differences in the beginning of the love story between the protagonist and the princess he will eventually marry. Some interesting changes involve the behaviour of the characters. These changes are strongly tied to the structure of the episode, so they can offer new arguments about the relationship among the three versions. To investigate them, the author adopts the theoretical framework of History of Emotions. A comparative analysis of the three versions shows a progressive loss of emotive complexity from the Anglo-Norman version to the Middle English ones. The reason for that loss is the gradual disappearance of their cultural background. Thus, the Roman de Horn is proven to be the only version retaining coherent structural and behavioural explanations. As a result, the article suggests that the French version may be considered one of the sources of King Horn and Horn Childe.


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How to Cite

Gottardi, P. (2023). Gli emotive scripts come strumento filologico: Sui rapporti genetici tra Roman de Horn, King Horn e Horn Childe. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (20), 25–58. Retrieved from


