Rainer Maria Rilke and the art of the Early Italian Renaissance

The fist step towards Primitivism


  • Lucia Lignini Università di Trento


Rainer Maria Rilke, Poesia del Novecento, Arte, Rinascimento, Primitivismo


This article identifies the origins of Rainer Maria Rilke’s taste for the primitive in his encounter with the art of the Early Italian Renaissance. Through the analysis of the most significant passages of Das Florenzer Tagebuch, this study aims at restoring the importance that the observations on the art of the Italian Renaissance provided in this diary deserve within the author’s critical and poetical work. By dismantling Vasari’s organic metaphor, which positioned the High Renaissance at the top of the artistic production of his time, Rilke elaborates his own vision of the artistic creative process, conceived as a life cycle lacking any possible culmination. The poet blames Raphael and Michelangelo’s pride for the decline of the Renaissance art and proclaims himself successor of the fifteenth-century masters. It is these artists – sadly named Primitives – that arouse in Rilke the necessity to identify with a simple and authentic art supporting honesty towards things.


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How to Cite

Lignini, L. (2023). Rainer Maria Rilke and the art of the Early Italian Renaissance: The fist step towards Primitivism. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (19). Retrieved from https://teseo.unitn.it/ticontre/article/view/2448


