Tracce di "sangue" nella "poetica della monotonia" di Cesare Pavese


  • Daniela Vitagliano ENS Paris


Cesare Pavese, sangue, sacrificio, selvaggio, alterità, monotonia, ripetizione, metafore ossessive


Although the relevance of repetition and monotony in Cesare Pavese’s proses is well known, the complexity of semantic system remains underestimated. In this work, authors will propose a new interpretative category able to clarify stylistic choices of the writer, according to the guidelines indicated by Pavese himself: unity and unicity. On the theoretical basis of this “poetic of monotony” authors aim to analyse occurrences of blood in all Pavese’s works, related to concepts of sacrifice and savage. They are crystallized in myths of origin, passion, death, charity and under this very large symbolic system it is possible to perceive Pavese’s obsessions, his way to relate with time and woman. Authors will be able to establish the importance of monotonic repetition through the thematic analysis of blood and to explain how this theme contributes the complex architecture of Pavese’s poetic universes. 



How to Cite

Vitagliano, D. (2021). Tracce di "sangue" nella "poetica della monotonia" di Cesare Pavese. Ticontre. Theory Text Translation, (15). Retrieved from



Cesare Pavese tra razionale e irrazionale. II: Parole, mito, sangue