Exclusión de los extranjeros en situación irregular del acceso gratuito al Sistema público de salud en España. Sentencia 139/2016 del Tribunal Constitucional
https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-222Parole chiave:
Access to health care, Constitutional rights, Rights of foreigners, Right to healthcareAbstract
The Sentence solves one of the numerous appeals of unconstitutionality presented in front of the RD-ley 16/2012, endorsing the exclusion of foreigners in an irregular situation of free access to the health care system. Justification of the measure is one of the keys of the argumentation. In this case, the limitation of a social right (access to health care) lies on considerations related to budgetary stability and sustainability of public services. In this scenario, the issue of efficiency and effectiveness becomes relevant, in close connection with the principle of proportionality.
Come citare
Sangüesa Ruiz N. Exclusión de los extranjeros en situación irregular del acceso gratuito al Sistema público de salud en España. Sentencia 139/2016 del Tribunal Constitucional. BioLaw [Internet]. 28 febbraio 2017 [citato 22 gennaio 2025];(1):233-47. Available at: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/1230
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