Homo religiosus, laicità e scienze cognitive. Prime intersezioni
https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-463Parole chiave:
Freedom of religion, constitution, secular law, biolaw, cognitive science of religions (CSR)Abstract
This essay aims at exploring the possibility to apply a phenomenological approach to the relation between religions and bioconstitutionalism. The author focuses on the legal framework of such an approach, that is an intercultural conception of “laicità”, understood as procedural cognitive process to be realized by balancing legal claims, rights and existential conceptions of religious actors. Conclusions are dedicated to the definition of an interdisciplinary paradigm of legal subjectivity which may combine the traditional, humanistic and constitutional perspective to the evolutionist-anthropological one resulting from the most recent evidence of cognitive sciences of religion (CSR).
Come citare
Anello G. Homo religiosus, laicità e scienze cognitive. Prime intersezioni. BioLaw [Internet]. 19 dicembre 2019 [citato 17 settembre 2024];(2S):143-56. Available at: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/1434