Il Bundesverfassungsgericht dichiara incostituzionale la fattispecie penale di «favoreggiamento commerciale del suicidio» (§ 217 StGB): una lettura in parallelo con il “caso Cappato”
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Criminalization of assisted suicide, end-of-life decisions, self-determination in dying, dignityAbstract
By means of the decision of 26th February 2020, the German Federal Constitutional Court ruled § 217.1 StGB to be unconstitutional, in that it prevents the individual to decide in autonomy when and how to terminate life. This right stems from the conception of the man as a moral being capable of self-determination and self-responsibility, which is deeply rooted in the principle of human dignity (art. 1.1 GG). In this article I analyze the BVerfG’s decision and then I compare it with the Constitutional Court’s decision on the “Cappato case”, trying to discuss which solution would be best suitable for Italy.
Come citare
Battistella G. Il Bundesverfassungsgericht dichiara incostituzionale la fattispecie penale di «favoreggiamento commerciale del suicidio» (§ 217 StGB): una lettura in parallelo con il “caso Cappato”. BioLaw [Internet]. 2 luglio 2020 [citato 9 febbraio 2025];(2):319-48. Available at:
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