Un caso di effettività perduta: la legge n. 40/2004 e la doppia maternità
https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-2060Parole chiave:
Medically Assisted Reproduction, procreative tourism, intentional mother, best interests of the child, separation of powersAbstract
The essay investigates the legal consequences of the loss of effectiveness of law n. 40/2004 in cases of recognition of double motherhood of children born in Italy from a homogenous-relational project carried out abroad: first, the repercussions on the principles of legality, equality and legal certainty in the face of multiple jurisprudential orientations on the subject, and secondly, the “fate” of the limit ex art. 5 law 40 in the absence of an organic intervention of the legislature to protect the rights of children born from a homogenous project.
Come citare
Cecchini S. Un caso di effettività perduta: la legge n. 40/2004 e la doppia maternità. BioLaw [Internet]. 24 dicembre 2021 [citato 14 marzo 2025];(4):355-79. Available at: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/2060

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