Puntualità ed effettività nella tutela dei diritti. Riflessioni sul valore del tempo per le questioni di genere nella contingenza della pandemia
https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-699Parole chiave:
Gender equality, medical abortion, healthcare services, pandemic emergency, guidelines updateAbstract
The pandemic emergency has changed our lives and our times. The fight against the new disease has unveiled several inequalities that significantly involve also gender issues. The aim of this essay is to develop some considerations regarding gender equality in health services during the pandemic. Particular attention is given both to organisation of health services and reproductive rights. The whole analysis is conducted under the perspective of time-factor, which proves to be determinant in the granting of both equality and fundamental rights. Conclusions suggest that this period shall be determinant for seriously tackling gender issues.##submission.downloads##
Come citare
Busatta L. Puntualità ed effettività nella tutela dei diritti. Riflessioni sul valore del tempo per le questioni di genere nella contingenza della pandemia. BioLaw [Internet]. 2 novembre 2020 [citato 21 gennaio 2025];(3):123-40. Available at: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/1601
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