About the Journal

Rivista di BioDiritto – BioLaw Journal is a peer reviewed, online law journal focusing on the relationships between law and life sciences in a comparative perspective. According to its interdisciplinary nature, the Journal hosts contributions in the fields of law, life sciences, bioethics and artificial intelligence.

The Journal presents articles, commentaries, and book reviews which provide an innovative and original source of reference for academics, lawyers, legal and medical practitioners, law students, and anyone interested in national, European and international biolaw.

Since 2018, the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research institutes included BioLaw Journal among the list of "Class A" academic journals'ratings in the field of legal sciences.

The Journal is indexed by: DoGi-Dottrina Giuridica, EssperCatalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), ERIH plusOpen Academic Journals Index, Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus.