Guidelines and Documents



XY Journal is a annual review published in digital editions, collecting texts and images of high scientific value in English and the authors' native languages. The acceptance of papers for publication in the journal is subject to an evaluation process conducted by two external anonymous auditors selected for their specific expertise (Double-Blind Peer Review).

To submit a proposal, authors must follow the online procedure outlined below. First, they need to register on the journal's website and then fill in the XY_Abstract.doc template, providing the following data.

  • Title of the essay and any subtitles
  • Name(s) of the author(s)
  • Summary of the essay (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces)
  • A relevant image with related caption (.jpg format, 300 dpi, base 15 cm)

The XY Scientific Committee evaluates the proposals based on their thematic significance and the clarity of the presented content. Subsequently, the XY Editorial Staff communicates the evaluation results to the authors via email. If a proposal is accepted, the authors are requested to submit the final materials within the given deadline.

The extended text (15,000-30,000 characters, including spaces and notes) should include keywords (up to three, possibly distinct from those in the title), a bibliography, 8‒15 images with captions and their respective credits (one image every 2,000 characters), and a short biography (up to 1,000 characters per author), submitted according to the editorial templates available below. All these contents (title, abstract, keywords, text, notes, bibliography, images and captions) must be compiled into a single .PDF document, without any references that could reveal the identity of the author(s).

Only papers that comply with the editorial standards available below will be considered for publication. The editorial review precedes the scientific evaluation, emphasizing the importance of text formatting and expressing a preliminary judgement. Failure to meet the editorial requirements may result in the rejection of the proposal. After the editorial review, the papers undergo a double-blind peer review by recognized experts, who assess the scientific content.

The authors guarantee the ownership of the intellectual property of the paper intended for publication. To safeguard the interests of both authors and publishers, completion and signing of the publishing release available on this page are mandatory.



Complete pack of editorial templates

Template for abstract - XY_Abstract.doc

It is used for writing the short text in English and Italian or the author's native language. To be renamed as SurnameName_Abstract.doc.

Template for biographical note -  XY_Biography.doc

Single file in English and the author’s native language, containing the biographical note (maximum 1,000 + 1,000 characters, including spaces) for each author and a passport-sized photo (black and white, .jpg format, 300 dpi, 4x4 cm). To be renamed as SurnameName_Biography.doc.

Templates for captions - XY_CaptionsEN.doc | XY_CaptionsIT.doc

Two separate files in English and the author's native language containing captions for all images (maximum 300 characters for each caption, including spaces), numbered sequentially. To be renamed as follows:

  • SurnameName_CaptionsEN.doc (for English captions) and
  • SurnameName_CaptionsIT.doc / _CaptionsES.doc / _CaptionsFR.doc / etc. (for captions in Italian or the author's native language).

Templates for full paper - XY_FullPaperEN.doc | XY_FullPaperIT.doc

Two separate files in English and the author's native language containing the title and possible subtitle (maximum 100 characters including spaces), name of the author(s), abstract (maximum 2,000 characters, including spaces), keywords (maximum 3, possibly distinct from the title), and the main text (between 15,000 and 30,000 characters, including spaces, with notes not exceeding 15% of the text). To be renamed as follows:

  • SurnameName_FullPaperEN.doc (for the English text)
  • SurnameName_FullPaperIT.doc / _FullPaperES.doc / _FullPaperFR.doc / etc. (for the text in Italian or the author's native language).

Template for references - XY_References.pdf

It contains all the bibliographic references listed by author in alphabetical order (in the language of the author). To be renamed as SurnameName_References.doc.

Note. In the case of multiple authors, use the surname and first name of the principal author.



Editorial standards - XY_EditorialStandards.pdf

Disclaimer for publication - XY_DisclaimerForPublication_EN.pdf

Editorial and scientific review form - XY_PaperEvaluationForm_EN.pdf