Quello che la legge non dice. L’interruzione delle terapie di sostegno vitale in assenza di una volontà espressa dall’infermo
https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-520Parole chiave:
Human dignity, vegetative state, substituted judgement, best interestAbstract
The essay deals with the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from an adult in permanent vegetative state or in a minimally conscious state, in the absence of a will expressed by the patient. The Italian l. n. 219/2017 has not changed matters, because it does not explain how, in this case, autonomy and human dignity can be properly safeguarded. Under a comparative point of view, the essay deals with the French and the English statutory framework governing the scrutiny of any decision to withdraw clinically assisted nutrition and hydration.
Come citare
Giaimo G. Quello che la legge non dice. L’interruzione delle terapie di sostegno vitale in assenza di una volontà espressa dall’infermo. BioLaw [Internet]. 10 marzo 2020 [citato 21 gennaio 2025];(1):123-39. Available at: https://teseo.unitn.it/biolaw/article/view/1462
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